Game Description
There aren't any surprises in MotoGP 08's list of game modes--you've got
the standard list of single-player modes you'd expect from a racing
game: Single Race, Time Trial, Championship, Challenge mode, and so on.
The highlight on the single-player menu is the Career mode, which gives
you a chance to create a rider from scratch and work your way up through
three bike racing series (125cc, 250cc, and, the pinnacle, MotoGP). As
you enter races, any points you score by placing high enough in the
final results will earn you attribute upgrade points you can apply to
one of four aspects of your particular bike: top speed, acceleration,
braking, and traction. You can then take your souped-up bike online and
enter the competition in online racing events against up to 11 other
online riders.
A slightly more approachable learning curve coupled with a great deal of
challenge means that MotoGP 08 provides enough to keep you busy for
months to come while not being as punishing on new players as the
previous game in the series. Now that the series has moved to the
next-gen consoles and the PC, the real work begins. Next year's game
must primarily make sure that it has the same suite of offline and
online features that players have come to expect from modern racing
games. There's a lot to like in MotoGP 08's meat-and-potatoes approach
to two-wheeled racing; here's hoping that next year's game offers a more
extended menu.
Game Screen-Shots