Game Description
The story begins as Harry, orphaned, spends summer with an aunt, uncle and cousin who do not love him. Harry is visited by Dobby, a house-elf, who is forced to serve the Malfoy family. Dobby warns Harry not to go back to Hogwarts, the magical school that Harry went to the year before, saying that terrible things will happen there. Harry doesn't listen to the warning, so Dobby causes a mess to make Harry's aunt and uncle angry. They lock Harry in his room for the rest of the summer. Harry is rescued by his friend Ron Weasley in a flying car. He spends the rest of the summer at the Weasley home, called "The Burrow". The reader is introduced to the Weasley family, including Ron's sister Ginny, who is just starting at Hogwarts.
Mr Weasley works for the Department of Magic. He is fascinated by "Muggles" (ordinary people) and the way that they manage to live without magic. It is his job to prevent wizards from illegally enchanting Muggle objects. But he does not always do his job in the way the Department would like. In fact, he drives his family to catch the school train in a magical Ford Anglia. The magical train leaves Paddington station in London from Platform 9¾. But because of strange happenings, Harry and Ron miss the train to school.
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